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The Pomona Leadership Network is now accepting applications for its 2023 cohort. The deadline to submit application materials is at [TIME] on [DATE].

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In 2019, the Pomona Community Foundation launched its flagship program, the Pomona Leadership Network (PLN). Three cohorts have now graduated, proving that an agile leadership curriculum, peer-led sessions, mentorship by local leaders, and creative community projects help participants grow both personally and professionally.



Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships at Claremont Graduate University.

Regina joined PLN because she wanted to become more involved in efforts to improve her hometown. "There’s nothing like being on a team with like-minded peers who want to help Pomona thrive and flourish,” says Regina. She enjoyed the challenge of working together on a groundbreaking capstone project and developing new friendships with future colleagues.


Regina and her fellow participants learned that leadership is not limited to a title or position, but is a mindset strengthened by action and perseverance. Furthermore, though advocates often focus on merely identifying social problems, PLN participants learn the skills to take the initiative, ally with fellow changemakers, and make change happen. Regina added that she appreciated that the program did not only share success stories but also the lessons that can be learned from disappointments and mistakes."

...supporting self-starting, local leaders with creative ways to address community issues...




Explore what happens behind the scenes in leadership. Foundation Board Members, such as Pomona City Manager Linda Lowry and Fairplex President Miguel Santana, mentor participants by sharing their personal journey to positions of leadership.


Are You A Good Fit For The Pomona Leadership Network (PLN)?

The PLN is looking for its 2023 participants. Though applicants come from very diverse backgrounds, successful participants often share some of the following characteristics:

  • People that are early in their professional careers or entering a new phase of their work (e.g., new to Pomona, switching careers, retirement).

  • People that aspire to positions of authority. While a formal title or position is not necessary, applicants should have experience taking the initiative to improve their community-whether that be through school, workplace, church, neighborhood, etc.

  • People that feel a calling to create positive change in the community.

  • People that are drawn to public service, such as serving on commissions and nonprofit boards, or running for public office.

  • People that are interested in learning how Pomona works (and tackles its problems), from its politics to major institutions, (such as Cal Poly and Pomona Valley Hospital) to community initiatives (such as Pomona's Promise and beautification programs).

  • People that have the time to commit to regular evening meetings and collaborating with other participants in a community project.

  • People that enjoy working with others or hope to improve their communication, collaboration, or entrepreneurial skills.

  • People that have an interest in a community project. This can be either one of their own ideas or one that the program has identified as important to the community. Past projects have addressed the housing crisis, harvesting backyard foods, [INSERT MORE EXAMPLES]

The 2023 PLN program year will begin on September 1st  and end in Summer 2024. Applications are due on July 1st.

The Program

The Pomona Leadership Network (PLN) is an innovative leadership development program designed to foster the next generation of community leaders in Pomona. After completing the program, graduates will be inspired, informed, and equipped to take on high-impact leadership roles in their communities.


Successful PLN applicants will have a history of exercising leadership. While a formal title is not necessary, applicants should have experience taking the initiative to try and improve their community - whether that be through their local church, school, neighborhood, or employer.

The PLN is seeking collaborative personalities with entrepreneurial drive and energy.


Candidates should know their values and be able to articulate how those values inform their work as community leaders. Current residents of Pomona and/or people who have exercised leadership in Pomona are strongly preferred.


PLN graduates will be inspired, informed, and equipped to be leaders in Pomona. Graduates will be more knowledgeable about community challenges and potential solutions and have an increased capacity to engage with others in community problem-solving in order to affect positive change. The PLN will increase its' members' understanding of their leadership styles and how they want to contribute to their community. 

Graduates will get to know current leaders in Pomona as well as establish a strong network with their cohort through the shared PLN experience.



...graduates will be inspired, informed and equipped to be leaders in Pomona.




The 10-month program that includes research, community projects, and presentations led by Foundation Board Members and PLN participants.

  • Except for Orientation and the Capstone Ceremony, most sessions will be held on Thursday nights from 7 PM to 10 PM.

  • All participants must apply to the program by filling out an application and attending an interview (if requested).

  • The number of participants accepted to the program can range between 15 and 20. If there are more qualified applicants than openings, some participants could be offered a position at a future session. 

  • Participants are expected to attend all sessions with a maximum of 3 absences allowed in order to graduate from the program.

  • Attendance is required at both Orientation days and the Capstone Ceremony. In addition to class time, participants must have the time to work (virtually or in person) with other participants on shared projects.

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2020 PLN making it work via virtual sessions


Lidia Mancenares

Lauren Seganes-Cohen

Class Schedule



January 23, 2021


9am – 7pm


January 24, 2021


9am – 2pm

History of Pomona Part I

February 4, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

History of Pomona Part II

February 18, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Pomona City Government

March 4, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Pomona Nonprofits

March 18, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Pomona Economy

April 8, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Participant-led Session #1 (Fundraising)

April 22, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Public Speaking & Presentation Training

May 6, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Mid-Point Community Project Presentation

May 20, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Participant-led Session #2 (Management)

June 3, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Board-led Session

June 17, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Participant-led Session #3 (Organizing)

July 8, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Participant-led Session #4 (Digital Strategy/Social Media)

July 22, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Board-led Session

August 5, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Reflection and Prep for Capstone

August 22, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

Capstone Presentation & Ceremony

September 16, 2021


6pm – 7:30pm

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PLN 2020 Cohort at January Orientation


2019 PLN Capstone Ceremony

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