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Pomona Community Foundation Mission

What is a Community Foundation? 

A powerful conduit, connecting diverse opinions and players for the good of the whole community.


A community foundation is a tax-exempt, nonprofit, philanthropic body that raises funds from the public for the charitable benefit of the residents of a defined geographic area.  ​Generally, it supports programs and initiatives that are run by other nonprofit entities, though it also may manage programs of its own. 

In the words of the Community Foundation Partnership, Inc., "The central purpose of a community foundation is to serve the needs and philanthropic aims of donors who wish to better their community, now and in the future.  Community foundations do this by providing donors with flexible, efficient, and tax-effective ways to ensure their charitable giving achieves the greatest possible impact.”​

At the Pomona Community Foundation, our priority is to enrich our community through the charitable giving of our donors. We stand by this ambition by focusing on three primary goals:

Fund and Advance Programs

Connecting donors with specific charitable causes that honor their wishes and support Pomona.

Collaborate With Our Community

Partnering with institutions and organizations who are similarly invested in our community to sponsor and strengthen local initiatives.

Develop Inspired Leaders

Identifying, training, and developing well-rounded civic and community leaders who will champion Pomona's diversity to increase opportunities for all.

Our Mission & Vision


To invest in the future of Pomona and cultivate community leaders through directed philanthropy, collective impact, and civic engagement.


We envision a Pomona where philanthropy is a way of life.

Our Board of Directors


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